Women in Dance Promotes and Advocates Female Leadership in Dance and through Dance Education
Our Vision:
Women in Dance aims to provide opportunities in accessing broader and more visible platforms, expanding the voices of artists/scholars, and strengthening the capacity and vibrancy of women in dance-making and dance-related fields.

News about Women in Dance

Women in Dance is thrilled to receive 160+ submissions from 35 different states in the U.S. and 19 different countries to be considered for our 2024 conference.
We will make the selection announcement for Choreography, Dance on Film, and Scholarly Paper on April 15th, 2024.
The selection for movement workshops and panel discussions will be announced on May 15th, 2024
Women in Dance Leadership Conference
To carry out the mission, Women in Dance hosts a biennial international conference, Women in Dance Leadership Conference.
Since 2015, Women in Dance has hosted four conferences in Baton Rouge, LA, New York City, Philadelphia, PA, and Chicago, IL by presenting some of the greatest thinkers and artists in dance including Liz Lerman (2018), Karole Armitage (2015), Heather Beal (2022), Sidra Bell (2018 and 2019), Janis Brenner (2019), Jacqulyn Buglisi, (2019), Star Dixon (2022), Nan Giordano (2022), Brenda Dixon Gottschild (2019), Vendetta Mathea (2018), Belén Maya (2022), Yin Mei (2015), Donna Mejia (2022), Sara Nash (2019), Helen Pickett (2019), Carlota Santana (2019), Sheron Trotman (2022), Blakeley White-McGuire (2018), Yin Yue (2018), Dr. Kariamu Welsh (2019), ODC Dance Company (2015), Chicago Black Dance Legacy Project (2022) and more.
At these conferences, more than 200 female dance artists and scholars who were selected from more than 1500 submissions, representing 32 countries came together from different corners of the U.S. and the U.K. in addition to Austria, Canada, China, Denmark, France, Greece, Hong Kong, Italy, Israel, Panama, South Africa, and Taiwan to share three days of innovative work with the local audience and to discuss possibilities to continue promoting and celebrating female leadership in dance and related fields.
Collaborate and Support Women in Dance
Women in Dance is grateful to have collaborated with different partners and been supported by individuals and organizations. Our past and current collaborators and supporters include 7 artscafe in Yokohama, Japan, Arts Council of Greater Baton Rouge, Charles Lamar Foundation, Dance Data Project® in Chicago, Danspace Project in New York City, Dancewave in New York City, Drexel University Westphal College of Media Art and Design in Philadelphia, Giordano Dance Chicago, Institute for Dunham Dance Technique Certification in New York City, Manship Theatre in Baton Rouge, LA, New York University Tisch School of the Arts, Red Clay Dance Company in Chicago, Reva and David Logan Center for the Arts/University of Chicago, Roosevelt University in Chicago, See Chicago Dance, Technology Advocate Group in Baton Rouge, LA, Thrive Education Group in New York City, Visit Baton Rouge, and Warner Orthopedics and Wellness in Baton Rouge, LA.
In 2021, Women in Dance established the collaboration with 7artscafe to host Women in Dance International Film Festival in Yokohama, Japan. Check out the Women in Dance International Film Festival for more information.
Your support for Women in Dance will not only contribute to the only conference in the U.S. that is celebrating female leadership in dance making, but it will also support these selected artists and scholars to have the opportunity to share their work in front of directors of professional dance companies and dance festivals.