Women in Dance Leadership Conference is a biennial international conference that presents keynote speech, panel discussions, movement workshops, dance on film screenings, scholarly paper presentations, individual speeches, and live concerts.
The goals of this conference are:
- to continue the discussions about how to promote more female leadership in dance and related fields
- to provide a platform for female dance artists and scholars to present their work and receive feedback on their work
- to provide presenters an unique opportunity to view diverse and innovative work created by female artists.
Past Conferences and Program information:
- 2024 October 17-19 Los Angeles, CA
- 2022 October 13-15 Chicago, IL
- 2019 October 17-19 Philadelphia, PA
- 2018 January 18 – 20 New York City
- 2015 October 29 – November 1 Baton Rouge, LA
Past Keynote Speakers:
Past Featured Soloists:
Past Featured Presenters:
Past Selected Presenters:

Sonia Sabir
© Mahasiddhi
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